For now.
No matter how big, small, bustling or quiet your business is, hackers will attack you. It doesn’t matter how under-the-radar your site is. If you don’t have website management services setup, hackers would love to destroy your website. And, trust us, they’re trying.
Right. This. Second.
You already wear too many hats to run your business. You don’t need the following extra stresses: “Where do I even start to keep it safe and secure?” “How do I know when I’ve been hacked?” “Malware, brute force, 404 errors. What does it all mean?!”
You shouldn’t have to worry about this.
When we built your site together, we invested so much creativity, energy, and have intense pride in your site. We want to protect it as badly as you do. We feel very strongly that our reputation is on the line as much as yours when it comes to the health and sanity of your website.
Over 30,000 sites are hacked. Every. Single. Day. That’s 11 million websites compromised every year! How much money will you lose if your site get’s taken down?
Some hacks are blatant:
One day your customers arrive on your site and see that your site no longer exists and, instead, in it’s place is horrifying porn. Or, perhaps, it’s plastered with crime scene tape and a mad-man is not-so-politely demanding your bank account details and first born child.
Some hacks are subtle:
One day your customers pop into your site and sneaky web ninjas start stalking them, and running off to play with their credit cards. You will have no idea that your site was the source of the issue. Hackers can also hijack your site to send spam and download viruses onto your customers’ computers.
Do you really want that blood on your hands?
Some hacks cause a lifetime of distress:
Google gets very angry if your site is spreading evil viruses and malware, and they will plonk you at the very back of the line in the search results. Years and years of working on your site’s search engine rank will be flushed down the drain without having a website management for small business service.
And there’s no quick fix. Have you ever spoken to the help desk at Google? No. That’s because there isn’t one.
Hackers don’t discriminate:
Cyber criminals have automated scanning tools scouring the web looking for unmanaged websites to infect to deploy their malicious code. Their target could be a personal blog, a small business website or a massive news site. Wherever there is vulnerability, they will happily capitalize on it to spread their wares. Website management for small businesses fights them on their level.
How do hackers get in?
Any way they can. They are clever little crazies and will stop at nothing. They may simply code computer programs to try every single password imaginable to enter your site. They find weak spots in software and in your website’s code. They share their secrets with fellow hackers too. They are constantly learning and evolving their mad hacking skills and will stop at nothing.
If my site gets hacked, can’t I restore a backup?
Yes and no. Before we answer this, first off, are you running backup software that schedules and runs backups regularly? Are the backups saved to your site’s hosting account or elsewhere in the cloud, because if it’s the former the backup files could be infected with the virus too.
Back to your question: Yes, restoring your site from a backup will make the problem go away temporarily. But if you determine how the hackers broke in and block them from getting in that way, you will typically just get hacked again within the day or two after you restore your site.
What are common causes of Website hacks?
The most common cause of hacks is running old versions of software, old or unsupported auxiliary customizations, or shoddy code. If you’re afraid to run updates because it can break things or don’t know what to do, then let us be your peace of mind and take care of it for you.
Aren’t there automated tools for fixing hacks?
Yes and no. Yes, there are tools that can identify and remove hacked files, but those tools won’t also fix the source of the hack and that means the hackers will be back and will just hack your site again. What we provide differs as we not only clean up the initial damage but also stick with you to determine the cause of the hack so we can block the hackers from getting back into your site again. Especially if you’re running ongoing SEO or marketing campaigns, it is crucial to make sure you don’t keep getting hacked over again.
If I get hacked once, will I get hacked twice or thrice or?
During the repair process, it is possible to get hacked again, but once we’ve identified the cause of the hack and blocked it, you won’t be able to be hacked again unless another cause arises that is not quickly addressed. In addition to repairing the hack, we can also monitor and address such issues for you on an ongoing basis so you don’t even have to think about the security components of your site.
So, can you prevent these repeat attacks?
Yes. Once we have identified the cause of the hack, we can block it. As technology changes, though, other security holes may pop up, so it’s important to stay on top of the security on your site all the time. If you like, we can handle that ongoing maintenance for you as well so you can focus on what matters most to you – running your website rather than fixing it.
If I do get hacked (touch wood!), how long will it take to fix?
That depends on the hack. In most cases, it can be fixed within a day or two. But when you’ve been hacked by a savvy hacker, it can take more time to determine how they’re breaking in and to block them.
Simple Pricing
per month
Premium Solid State Drive Hosting
Increased Security Measures
Daily Full Site Backups
Core Software Updates
Design Code Updates
Small Service Requests
Uptime Monitoring
per month
ALL Basic Features and…
Secure Socket Layers (SSL)
Security Monitoring
Page SEO Optimization
Unlimited Image Hosting
Automatic Social Media Sharing
Google Analytics Integration
per month
ALL Business Features and…
Real Time Full Site Backups
eCommerce Technical Support
Constant Page SEO Optimization
Content Delivery Network
Origin Network Optimizer
Unlimited Video Hosting
Do these website care packages include content updates?
No, just software updates. However, if you sign up for maintenance services, I will also extend to you a discounted hourly rate for any website updates you want to be made that fall outside of small service requests. Writing articles, creating images, and/or any other content creation is a separate marketing activity that requires it’s own scope most commonly referred to as copywriting. While we do offer copywriting services, they will require their own agreement and pricing to ensure website care is not undermined.